I’m an energetic keynote speaker and author with a zeal to see individuals live up to their fullest potential. I’m a native of Florida where I live with my husband and twin daughters.

For over 18 years, I have been an active spiritual leader on the front lines of those in personal crisis in prison ministry, homeless shelters, chemical addiction recovery facilities, battered women’s shelters, and groups of troubled teens in the local high schools of Bay County. I’ve hosted a total of ten city-wide prayer crusades within four cities and one city seven years annually with the
mission to effect change and bring transformation into the lives of the citizens.

The powerful radio show “The Time Is NOW” delivered wisdom to listeners in three cities simultaneously. The virtual show “Raw Truth Live” broke through to international borders providing solace, strength, courage, and tenacity to those experiencing times of despair and distress.

With a bachelor’s degree in ministry, I’m licensed and ordained as a Prophet currently pastoring Flow of the Spirit International Ministries alongside my husband. I am the CEO of Powerful Life Institute the transformational life and relationship strategist, keynote speaker, and spiritual advisor that speaks with intent and passion to see growth in my clients.

My other publications include the “21 Things You Didn’t Know About Power” which you can get for free here. 21 Things You Didn’t Know About Power The newly released “Invitation to Queendom” is designed to empower women to be positioned in their rightful place. Grab your copy of Invitation 2 Queendom now!